Susumu Hirasawa

life is interconnection.
This too is not the final.

Welcome to my realm.



I’m the owner of this website! I go by WXWX. I made this little website for various reasons. I had always wanted a website for myself. It’s mainly for publishing thoughtpieces on the things I am checking out or more free amalgamations of thought. I also wanted a main place to publish my artistic endeavors aside from a social media account. Oh, and it’s also nice to keep the old coding skills fresh.

Things you can expect on this site is archived posts on my feelings of all kinds of different media.. sometimes in well prepared posts, others in scraps of writing. I often feel like my head is quite overrun so it feels nice to have a place to share my thoughts with others. This was the original purpose of my twitter account. But really isn’t it cooler to do so in an environment by my own design? Anyway.

Things on this site may be subject to change when i feel like it :P. Adding more etc. This is my personal dumping ground. A digital amalagamation that forms in a particular way and shifts. I wonder how that will look from a birds eye view. (evil laughter)

Things i like: Anime, Mecha and scifi in particular though also weird curious things i come across, History, eroge , Language learning, Creating art, Film, Videogames, A share of different kinds of music, Writing, Analysis, philosophy.

Itoshiki Sensei from Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei